We’ve won - Retirement Innovation of the Year

It’s award season in the world of pensions

After fending off some stiff competition, we are thrilled to announce that we have won the award of Retirement Innovation of the year at the UK Pension Awards 2020.

The UK Pension Awards is an industry accreditation featuring many household company names such as Aon, Hymans Robertson and Allianz to name but a few.

We won this award based on our innovative retirement software which is utilised in our discovery meetings, to learn more about the tool, continue reading….

Take a closer look

Take a closer look at how our solution helps people with their retirement planning -

User friendly.png


We spent a great deal of time testing with groups of people to ensure our software is simple and easy to use!


Pension forecasting

For the first time, users can see all of their pensions in one place and project what this will give them in retirement, making it easier to make retirement planning decisions


Support & case studies

We are here to help you every step of the way, simply speak to a support agent with any questions you might have. Case studies also help users compare their situation to others in similar positions.


Most comparable calculators only allow their own pension details to be included. Ours is unique in its agnostic ability to accommodate multiple DC and DB plans with differing providers. This gives people a ‘one stop shop’ to see all their pensions in one place, including their State Pension, to get a more realistic view of how much they can expect to live on in retirement.


“Our simple, intuitive tool enables members to explore when they can retire, the options open to them and how much they will get.”

David Pugh


It doesn't stop there...

Our software is only one part of the overall solution, what really bring the information to life is having someone to talk you through your options. We call this stage of our pension services the discovery meeting.

This stage includes…

✓ Discuss your circumstances

✓ See your retirement projection

✓ Take account of your current pensions

✓ Annuity, Cashout, Drawdown comparison

✓ Access to retirement projection tool

If you’d like to take a closer look at our retirement options solution, you can book yourself in for a free, no obligation initial consultation.


“The financial advice I was given was very helpful in me understanding some of the aspects of the the pension changes. With the advice and recommendation I was able to make the right decision very professional thank you.”


Drawdown vs Annuity


Has COVID 19 impacted my planned retirement age?